Well, it is very interesting idea to advertise the movies or the music(Nine Inch Nails-Year Zero) using the interent to make an alternate reality game(ARG). The filmmakers of the movie "Cloverfield" use internet to advertise and describe some parts of the movie's stioryline. Web-sites, news in different world languages(including Russian!) and blogs of the move heroes on Myspace.com. Now, after movie I've read the history of the events from the movie, but still it is unknown, where the monster came from. It is all about Targuato, the mega corporation from Japan, it's brand Slusho, TIDOware- the environmental organization, which is against Targuato's pulluting and harmful activity. Also, it is about some substance called "Sea Nectar". This substance is deeply frozen in the deep ocean bottom. And the soft drink Slusho made of this "Sea Nectar" and it has a strange effect on human. That's why this drug drink is so popular. Targuato had a platform ih the Atlantic Ocean not far from New York that is used to extract Sea Nectar.
Once, this platform is attaked and destroyed! This accident was shown in news. So, as we can see, the film is just a part of the big story, which is far away from the end.
Related links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloverfield
have a nice weekend
This movie totally reminds me of Godzilla. I love Godzilla movies!
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